Maximum Force (1992)

Maximum Force is a classic cop-buddy film that tells us the story of three cops teamed up to defeat their common enemy; some really bad guy that deals drugs, prostitutes, guns and anything else degrading to society.

Maximum Force
Russ?!…did not make the cover

The three cops are loose cannons, in fact you might say they are criminals and should not only be striped of their guns and badges but they should be arrested for what we witness in the beginning of the movie. It was different time though and in this story they are given the chance to join and fight their foe. There is a hot chick, a tough guy and Rusty from European Vacation. They get recruited to a training warehouse where they live and all train separately at shit they already know. Makes no sense. At some point they get tested by the bossman’s ninjas and the fail because they do not fight together, no shit. Bossman instructs them and they fight back to back to back, literally, and win. Just like that.

The bad guy, melted Rick Flair, holds his meetings at night in a tall building. His board of cohorts is made up of united nations representatives. They hear about the heroic trio and start to get worried so Nick Blair calls in a little favor. The little favor is Mickey Rooney, he does and says some stuff that turns out to be a waste of time. There is an awkward, poorly edited sex scene. There is some other filler stuff that happens but eventually the bad guys have to invade the training warehouse and that is when it all comes to a ferocious final battle. Actually, it is pretty lame. A good guy dies, a bunch of bad guys die, there are some really dumb parts and then it ends.

It has all the components of a classic action flick but it fails to deliver. Weak characters, lame action and a story that does not make up for it. Watch something else.

2 out of 5 remote control police trucks for Maximum Force.

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